The phonetic alphabet prevents misunderstanding when communicating individual letters. For example 'F' and 'S' can often be confused, but 'Foxtrot' and 'Sierra' are easily distinguishable.
A - Alpha |
N - November |
B - Bravo |
O - Oscar |
C - Charlie |
P - Papa |
D - Delta |
Q - Quebec |
E - Echo |
R - Romeo |
F - Foxtrot |
S - Sierra |
G - Golf |
T - Tango |
H - Hotel |
U - Uniform |
I - India |
V - Victor |
J - Juliet |
W - Whiskey |
K - Kilo |
X - Xray |
L - Lima |
Y - Yankee |
M - Mike |
Z - Zulu |
Phonetic alphabet table provided by
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