Contact script to help you make that first QSO

Making that first HF contact can be a bit daunting. The following HF contact script is designed to make it as easy as possible to get started. Once you have built up your confidence, you'll soon find your own style and contact flow.

Tip: Print this script, or open it on your PC so it's in front of you when you make those first contacts.

HF contact script

Your initial call:

  1. Choose a HF frequency and listen for about 3 to 4 minutes. 
  2. Ask “is this frequency in use please” then listen. 
  3. Repeat the above.
  4. Then you can call CQ CQ CQ this is [your call sign] CQ CQ CQ this is [your call sign phonetic] CQ CQ CQ this is [your call sign phonetic]
  5. Wait for a minute and repeat.

When you get a reply:

  1. Note their call sign.
  2. [their call sign] this is [your call sign]. Good morning/afternoon/evening thanks for coming back to my call.
  3. Your report is [5 9]. My name is [your name].
  4. The QTH / location here is [you home area]. So how do you copy? [their call sign]  this is [your call sign]
  5. The other station will give their information and your report. At the end of the over they will transmit [your call sign] this is [their call sign] over.
  6. The QSO will continue until the conversation ends. Concludes typically with [their call sign]  this is [your call sign]  signing off and standing by for further calls.

HF contact script provided by

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